Monday, December 15, 2014

Candy Cane Hot Chocolate

These are super easy and make a great holiday gift for teachers, coworkers, or neighbors. You only need two ingredients the chocolate and crushed candy canes. The miniature milk jugs, straws, tags, and Santa bells all came from Hobby Lobby.
First melt your chocolate in bowl. I used this whole bag and it made about 5 milk jugs. I put the bowl in the microwave for 30 seconds then kept doing 10 second intervals til it was completely melted. While microwaving the chocolate crush your candy canes. I used 5. Once the chocolate is melted pour directly into the milk jugs via a funnel to avoid getting it all over.
I filled mine about 3-4 tablespoons full. Tap the bottom of the jug on a hard surface so the chocolate settles to the bottom. Then sprinkle the crushed candy cane on top. I used a funnel when doing this as well so I could direct where it would go. After sprinkling on the candy cane stick in the straw. Once this is done let sit for 20 mins or until the chocolate is hardened.
The final step is adding the bakers twine, instruction card, and Santa bell.
Write on the instruction card "Add 8-10 oz of hot milk and enjoy." Wrap the bakers twine multiple times around the jar then tie on the Santa Bell and the card. These are really fun to make. As an extra you can deliver Pirouette sticks with them. Nothing goes better with hot chocolate than a Pirouette stick to dip in it!
Happy Holidays-Brittany

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